The world is viewed through Astronomy, Feng Shui, and Geography(In English, 2024). $10.

The world is viewed through Astronomy, Feng Shui, and Geography(In English, 2024). $10.

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  1. The Body of the Universe.


According to observations by the WMAP satellite, the age of the universe is 13.8 billion years. Electrons that were vigorously moving due to the initial temperature of the universe are captured by the plus charge of protons. The temperature distribution of the entire universe is uniform, with a difference of 1/10,000. The entire universe consists of 68% dark energy and 27% dark matter. Since energy and matter are the same, the universe that humanity has observed for thousands of years, with its many galaxies, stars, and Earth, is only 5%. Among the 5%, hydrogen and helium account for 90%, the central elements that make up continents and rocks account for 0.03%, neutrons account for 0.3%, and stars in the universe account for 0.5%. In the grand scheme of the universe, including the solar system, other stars, and humans, hydrogen is nothing more than the ashes left behind.

Stars in the universe slow down completely in their expansion speed and return to their original point of eruption. They continue to be sucked towards the core of the black hole. As the density gradually increases, they self-destruct and disappear. Gravity collapse occurs when reaching the core. Even light is drawn in during rapid collapse. Black holes are the repositories of all matter. Since matter is energy, it is reborn in the form of energy emissions in another universe after passing through a singularity. Matter is completely recharged and homogenized in a white hole. It begins a new journey of evolution once again. White holes are the origin of new universe eggs. In black holes and white holes, the universe endlessly repeats death and birth.


The world is viewed through Astronomy, Feng Shui, and Geography(In English, 2024). $10.


The world is viewed through Astronomy, Feng Shui, and Geography(In English, 2024). $10.

The world is viewed through Astronomy, Feng Shui, and Geography(In English, 2024). $10.




Hegel regards the Absolute Spirit as continuously developing dialectically.

Hegel’s insight into the development process of the Absolute Spirit through the dialectics of contradiction and opposition is remarkable, but it is a mistake to think that all spirits and things undergo infinite development.

The spirit of modern Western civilization clashes sharply with the cyclical thinking of the East with its linear thinking.

As material civilization reaches its zenith, just as spiritual civilization declines, cosmic spirit repeats its advance and retreat.

Spirits and things intersect, advancing and retreating, following a proud flow.


Feng Shui is a metaphysics of the land’s vitality and resonance, nurturing the vitality of the land and people.

In the historical time and space of where one resides, one gains macroscopic insights of metaphysics on the shapes of mountains and fields, the direction of the earth and water flow, through the perspective of Feng Shui.

By knowing one’s own Five Elements and the regional Five Elements, one seeks the wisdom of harmony and balance in the foundation of life.

In the expanded realm of life in the global world, one broadens the range and scope of one’s own Five Elements by utilizing the Five Elements of each country.


In a world that requires temporal, spatial, and structural perspectives, space and geography are important concepts for understanding the environment in which humans live and for finding their center.

While historians view the world temporally, economists and political scientists view it structurally, but geographers view the world spatially.

In an international environment of technological revolution and unending competition at the speed of light, a geographical perspective imbued with the contingency of space is the macroscopic reasoning power that organizes chaos.


The world is viewed through Astronomy, Feng Shui, and Geography.


I dedicate this book to Margarete, who is like Beatrice.


On March 20, 2024, in Woohakjae by Nomadsirius.


Table of contents.


Publication Right.


  1. The Body of the Universe.
  2. The Spirit of the Universe.
  3. Movement of the Universe.
  4. A Cosmology Based on The Dualism of Principle and Vital Forces.
  5. Western and Eastern Skies.

​6. Stars come down to earth.

  1. Mountain Energy and Earth Energy.
  2. Feng Shui.
  3. The Foundation of Life Through Feng Shui
  4. Feng Shui for Houses, Interiors, and Commercial Buildings.
  5. Space and Geography.
  6. Geopolitics and World Affairs.


Author ‘NomadSirius’ Introduction.


‘Sirius’ is the brightest star in the night sky.

Its name is derived from the Greek word “Seirios,” meaning ‘glowing’ or ‘scorching.’

Imagining Sirius rising just before sunrise, I embark on the classic and humanities-inspired ‘Nomad’ journey.

With the aim of introducing the essence of Oriental culture to the West, I am planning to publish a series of 333 eBooks, an English Oriental Humanities Glossary, and an aesthetically pleasing English Fantasy novel.


A series of 333 eBooks.



  1. 노자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다((In Korean).
  2. We permeate into The Tao Te Ching(In English).
  3. 화이트헤드의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean).
  4. We permeate into The Function of Reason(In English).
  5. 장자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean).
  6. We permeate into The Zhuangzi(In English).
  7. 칼 구스타프 융의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean).
  8. We permeate into Psychology of the Unconscious(In English).
  9. 붓다의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean).
  10. We permeate into The Diamond Sutra(In English).
  11. 니체의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean).
  12. We permeate into On The Genealogy of Morality(In English).


  1. 예수의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean).
  2. We delve into Romans(In English).
  3. 인문잡학으로 소통하다 1(In Korean).
  4. East communicates with West 1(In English).
  5. 화이트헤드의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 개정판).
  6. We delve into The Function of Reason(In English, Revision).
  7. 노자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 개정판).
  8. We delve into The Tao Te Ching(In English, Revision).
  9. 칼 구스타프 융의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다.(In Korean, 개정판).
  10. We delve into Psychology of the Unconscious(In English, Revision).
  11. 장자의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 개정판).
  12. We delve into The Zhuangzi(In English, Revision).
  13. 니체의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 개정판).
  14. We delve into On The Genealogy of Morality(In English, Revision).
  15. 붓다의 언어로 세상을 성찰하다(In Korean, 개정판).
  16. We delve into The Diamond Sutra(In English, Revision).
  17. 퇴계退溪, 겸재謙齋, 추사秋史(In Korean).
  18. Toegye, Gyeomjae, Chusa(In English).
  19. 영화이야기로 세상의 한 축 미국을 읽다(In Korean).
  20. View America as an axis of the world through movie stories(In English).
  21. 인문잡학으로 소통하다 2(In Korean).  
  22. East communicates with West 2(In English).
  23. 인문학여행으로 세상을 노닐다(In Korean).
  24. Explore the world through humanities travel(In English).
  25. 영화이야기로 세상의 한 축 중국을 읽다(In Korean).
  26. View China as an axis of the world through movie stories(In English).


  1. MBTI와 음양오행으로 클래식에 몰입하다(In Korean).
  2. Classical Music, MBTI, Yin-Yang Five Elements(In English).
  3. 야구와 축구의 숲을 삼국지의 책사와 거닐다(In Korean).
  4. Wander through the forests of baseball and soccer with strategists from the Three Kingdoms(In English).
  5. 천문, 풍수, 지리로 세상을 보다(In Korean, 2024).
  6. The world is viewed through Astronomy, Feng Shui, and Geography(In English, 2024).



Publication Right.

The world is viewed through Astronomy, Feng Shui, and Geography(In English, 2024).

ⓒ YH Partners 2022

The Date of Publication. 2024.3.25.

Author. Nomadsirius.

Publisher. YH Partners.

The Registration Number of Publisher. 2022000013.

Price of eBook. $10.

Address. 20 Landmark-ro, Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea.


ISBN. 979-11-92838-33-5.

This book is copyrighted by the author and YH partners.





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