I will come again as a noble crane_Gu Bong Song Ik-pil (1534-1599).



I will come again as a noble crane_Gu Bong Song Ik-pil (1534-1599).

I will come again as a noble crane_Gu Bong Song Ik-pil (1534-1599).


Gu Bong Song Ik-pil (1534-1599), a sage of the Joseon Dynasty’s Confucianism.


Song Ik-pil is the most influential figure in the flow of Joseon’s history.

He is a politician superior to Lee Yi, a poet surpassing Jeong Cheol, and a thinker surpassing Song Si-yeol who planted the seeds of etiquette.

He is an unparalleled strategist who established the political tradition known as the mountain and forest movement, which operated behind the scenes of the royal court and created a significant portion of the governing principles of Joseon.



At the age of 24 (1558), he passed the civil service examination and was selected for the highest government position.

His maternal great-grandmother was revealed to have been Andonhu’s secret concubine.

Andonhu is the father of Jwa-uijeong Andang.

He was deprived of his qualification due to his low social status as Seo-Eol.

At the age of 26 (1559), he became a teacher in Paju and dedicated himself to academic research and mentoring.

He reaches the highest level of spiritual enlightenment through self-study without a master.

He is the only one from Goryeo to Joseon for a thousand years.



As I walk along the mountain path,

I forget to rest and keep going.

When I sit down to take a break,

I forget to continue on my way.

Beneath the shade of a pine tree,

I pause and listen to the sound of water.

A few people who were following behind me,

rush ahead, overtaking me.

Each of us has our own path to follow,

Why should we argue or compete?


‘Walking along the mountain path’



At the age of 34 (1567), the autumn of destiny arrives.

He taught Kim Jang-saeng and Kim Jip, who were leaders in Confucian rites and ceremonies.

The legacy of learning continues to Song Si-yeol.

He founds the political tradition known as the “mountain and forest” movement, and creates a significant portion of the governing principles of Joseon.

At the age of 44 (1577), the autumn of destiny, Hanlo arrives.

His scholarship reaches its peak.

Yi Yulgok is an extraordinary comrade.

At the age of 53 (1586), the winter of destiny, Soseol arrives.

It is revealed that his father, Song Saryeon, conspired against An Cheogyeom.

He becomes a slave.



The traveler’s hair is as hazy as snow.

Those who came closer to me fade away like clouds.

After experiencing hardship, the world becomes clearer.

Only through silence can the essence of the heart be understood.

The world is distant, whom to believe.

Even through criticism, only loneliness remains.

Mountain flowers bloom and wither.

The moon floating on the river rounds itself and fades away.


‘While mingling with people’



At the age of 56 (1589), the winter of destiny, Daeseol arrives.

Dongin falls due to the Jeong Yeolip Incident.

Although he regains his social status, he is criticized as a pseudo-intellectual by the Seoin faction.

At the age of 58 (1591), the winter of destiny, Dongji arrives.

It is the bottom of the light.

He is exiled due to the Crown Prince’s issue.

King Seonjo becomes furious due to the fierce struggle surrounding the succession of Gwanghaegun and Shinseonggun.

1592, Japanese invasions of Korea (1592-1598).

At the age of 66 (1599), it is the harsh cold of spring.

He ascends to heaven.


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학이 되어 다시 오리.



구봉龜峰 송익필宋翼弼(丁丑:1534-1599), 조선 유학의 선인仙人 🍂



송익필은 조선역사의 흐름에 가장 큰 영향을 끼친 인물이다. 이이 이상의 정치가, 정철을 능가하는 시인, 예학의 씨를 뿌린 송시열 이상의 사상가이다. 조정을 배후에서 움직이는 山林의 전통을 창시한 불세출의 책략가이자 조선 통치원리의 대부분을 만들어낸 사상계의 군주이다.


24세(1558), 초시합격후 대과에 뽑힌다.


외증조모가 안돈후의 비첩으로 드러난다.


안돈후는 좌의정 안당의 부친이다.


서얼신분이란 이유로 자격을 박탈당한다.



26세(1559), 파주 교하면 구봉산 밑에서 학문연구와 제자양성에 전념한다.


스승없이 독학으로 최고의 정신계에 오른다. ​


고려에서 조선까지 1,000년 동안 유일하다.





산길을 가다보면 쉬는 것을 잊고


앉아서 쉬다보면 가는 것을 잊네,




소나무 그늘 아래 말을 세우고


짐짓 물소리를 듣기도 하네.




뒤 따라오던 사람 몇이


나를 앞질러 가기로손,




제 각기 갈길 가는 터


또 무엇을 다툴 것이랴.



<山行>, 宋翼弼.



34세(1567), 운명의 가을 입추立秋.


예학禮學의 거두 김장생과 김집 등을 가르친다.


송시열까지 학문이 계승된다.


산림山林을 창시해 조선 통치원리의 대부분을 만들어낸다.



44세(1577) 운명의 가을 한로寒露.


학문이 절정에 달한다.


이율곡은 막역한 교우이다.



53세(1586), 운명의 겨울 소설小雪.


부친 송사련이 안처겸을 역모고변한 것이 조작으로 밝혀진다.


노비로 복속한다.





나그네 머리털 눈과 같이 뿌옇고,




정주며 가까이 한 이들 구름같이 사라졌네.




어려움 겪고나니 세상눈 밝아지고,




적막해야 비로서 마음 근본 알게되네.




세상은 멀리 있어 누구의 말을 믿을 것이며,




헐뜯어봐야 외로움만 남는다네.




산꽃은 피었다 다시 지고,




강물에 뜬 달은 둥글었다 스스로 이지러지네.



<客中>, 宋翼弼.



56세(1589), 운명의 겨울 대설大雪.


정여립 사건으로 동인이 몰락한다.


신분을 회복하나 서인의 모사謨士로 비판을 받는다.



58세(1591) 운명의 겨울 동지冬至.


빛의 바닥이다.


세자건저 문제로 유배된다.


광해군과 신성군의 왕위승계를 둘러싼 치열한 암투로 선조는 분노한다.



1592, 임진왜란(-1598).


66세(1599), 매서운 추위인 입춘立春이다.


하늘에 오른다.

Written by : nomadsirius

‘Sirius’ is the brightest star in the night sky. Its name is derived from the Greek word Seirios, meaning ‘glowing’ or ‘scorching’. Imagining Sirius rising just before sunrise, I begin the classic ‘Nomad’ journey. To let the West know the essence of Oriental culture, I am planning to publish 333 e-books and a Fantasy in English.

On Making  All Things Equal

All  things are essentially one. East and West can no longer be kept apart

A discerning mind is a fixed mind. It divides and confronts the world. The heart given by Heaven is an open mind. Embracing the world, there is no contention.

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