Oriental Humanities post

Oriental Humanities post

The Last Emperor (1987, directed by Bernardo Bertolucci)_From Emperor to Citizen.

By |2024-05-30T19:16:25+09:00May 30th, 2024|Oriental Humanities post|

The Last Emperor (1987, directed by Bernardo Bertolucci)_From Emperor to Citizen. "The Last Emperor" is an epic biographical drama film that chronicles the life of Pu Yi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty. Italian director Bernardo Bertolucci adapted Pu Yi's autobiography "From Emperor to Citizen (1964)" to portray China's transition from feudalism through revolution. Bertolucci, who showed deep interest in themes such as personal freedom and oppression, issues of power, and political absurdity, explores individual identity within the flow of history. He expresses the tragedy of individuals swept up in political turmoil and the futility of power through symbolic language in a powerful narrative. With magnificent cinematography, he projects artistic and poetic images onto the psychological depth and inner conflicts of the characters. "The Last Emperor," which won nine Academy Awards, is the first Western film shot in Beijing's Forbidden City. In 1368, Zhu Yuanzhang, who founded the Ming Dynasty, established his base in the strategic location of Nanjing and drove the Yuan Dynasty forces out of northern China into Inner Mongolia, Primorsky Krai, Altai, and Siberia. Emperor Hongwu (1368-1398), the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, abolished the Central Secretariat to eliminate any potential checks on his power and made the Six Ministries directly subordinate to the emperor, thereby establishing a powerful autocratic monarchy. Zhu Yuanzhang set up the Jinyiwei (secret police) and the Duchayuan (censorate) directly under the emperor’s control, using these institutions to carry out large-scale purges of the founding officials. He also sent his sons to frontier fortresses. The excessive purges led to a loss of support for his grandson, Emperor Jianwen (1398-1402), which prompted the Prince of Yan, Zhu Di, to initiate the Jingnan Campaign (1399-1402). Emperor Yongle (1402-1424), who ascended the throne with the help of eunuchs, heavily employed eunuchs and strengthened the Jinyiwei. Under the command of Admiral Zheng He, hundreds of ships embarked on six voyages, advancing tribute trade from Malacca and Ceylon to the entrance of the Red Sea and Zanzibar. On January 1, 1421, Emperor Yongle moved the capital to Beijing (formerly known as Beiping), which was his political base. By moving the capital northward, the historical stage shifted the center of Han Chinese civilization from Nanjing to Beijing.

마지막 황제(1987년, 베르나르도 베르톨루치 감독)_황제에서 시민으로 돌아오다.

By |2024-05-26T08:21:04+09:00May 26th, 2024|Oriental Humanities post|

마지막 황제(1987년, 베르나르도 베르톨루치 감독)_황제에서 시민으로 돌아오다. ‘마지막 황제’는 청나라의 마지막 황제 부의溥儀의 삶을 다룬 서사 전기 드라마 영화이다. 이탈리아의 감독 베르나르도 베르톨루치는 부의溥儀의 자서전 ‘황제에서 시민으로(1964)’를 각색하여 봉건제에서 혁명을 거친 중국의 모습을 화면에 담는다. 개인의 자유와 억압, 권력의 문제와 정치적 부조리와 같은 주제에 깊은 관심을 드러낸 베르톨루치는 역사의 흐름 속에서 개인의 정체성을 탐색한다. 정치적 격류에 휩쓸린 개인의 비극과 권력의 허무함을 강렬한 내러티브의 상징적 언어로 표출시킨다. 장엄한 촬영 기법으로 예술적이고 시적인 이미지를 인물의 심리적 깊이와 내적 갈등에 투영한다. 아카데미 9개 부문을 수상한 ‘마지막 황제’는 북경北京의 자금성紫禁城에서 촬영된 최초의 서양 영화이다. 서기 1368년 요충지 남경南京을 근거지로 명明나라를 세운 주원장은 화북의 원나라를 내몽고와 연해주, 알타이, 시베리아로 몰아낸다. 명明 태조 홍무제洪武帝(1368-1398) 주원장은 중서성中書省을 폐지해 견제세력을 없앤 후 육부六部를 황제에 직속시켜 강력한 군주독재제를 마련한다. 주원장은 황제 직속의 비밀경찰 금의위錦衣衛와 감찰기관 도찰원都察院을 설치해 개국 공신들을 대대적으로 숙청한 후 왕자들 또한 변방의 요새로 보낸다. 과도한 숙청이 손자 혜제惠帝(1398-1402)의 지지기반을 상실하는 결과를 초래하자 북평北平(북경北京)의 번왕藩王 연왕燕王은 정난靖難의 변變(1399-1402)을 일으킨다. 환관宦官의 도움으로 제위帝位에 오른 성조成祖 영락제永樂帝(1402-1424)는 환관을 중용하여 금의위錦衣衛를 강화한다. 환관 정화鄭和 제독이 이끄는 수백척의 배는 말라카와 실론에서 홍해 입구와 잔지바르까지 6차례 항해하며 조공무역을 발전시킨다. 서기 1421년 1월 1일 영락제는 자신의 정치적 기반인 북경北京(북평北平)으로 도읍지都邑地를 옮긴다. 수도를 북상시키자 한족의 중심지는 남경에서 북경으로 역사의 무대가 바뀐다.

The Great Conqueror’s Concubine (1994) directed by Stephen Shin and Wei Handao.

By |2024-05-12T19:13:03+09:00May 12th, 2024|Oriental Humanities post|

The Great Conqueror's Concubine (1994) directed by Stephen Shin and Wei Handao. When Qin Shi Huang (B.C. 259-210) died, his youngest son, Ying Huhai, killed his older brother, Fusu, and ascended to the throne. The people, who had suffered under the oppressive rule of the emperor, hoped for new changes and reforms, but Huhai rebuilt the pleasure palace and intensified the punishments. As Huhai indulged in all the pleasures of the world, a rebellion erupted in the Qin Dynasty (B.C. 250-207). In 209 BCE (the first year of King Huhai's reign), a rebellion led by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang broke out, leading to many military leaders rising in revolt across China. Xiang Liang, who was Huhai's uncle, rallied his forces to support the rebellion. As a nobleman from a family of warriors who had served the Chu Kingdom for generations, Xiang Liang raised the banner of restoring the Chu Kingdom and began recruiting troops for the righteous cause. Although Xiang Liang was captured by the Qin forces after the downfall of the Chu Kingdom and imprisoned in Lixiang, he was eventually freed with the help of Sima Xin, a prison guard. While in hiding in Wu (modern-day Suzhou in Jiangsu Province), Xiang Yu, Xiang Liang's nephew, gained people's respect and gathered a following. It was during this time that he formed a relationship with Yu Ji, building his power base. Unlike Liu Bang, who had many concubines, Xiang Yu only had eyes for Yu Ji. In 208 BCE (the second year of King Huhai's reign), Xiang Liang's growing forces achieved victories against the Qin army in various locations where the rebellion was active. Under Xiang Liang's command, Fan Zeng (278-204 BCE) proposed a strategy to enthrone Xiong Xin as the King of Chu, using the discontent caused by the rebellion led by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang. As the momentum of the rebellion grew, and it became difficult to gather troops, Zhang Han mobilized all the prisoners from Lushan to join his forces. Lushan, where the tomb of King Huai of Chu was located, was where Yu Bang initially gathered his strength. Yu Bang, while serving as the overseer of the construction of the Lushan tomb, incited a rebellion by killing a general of the Qin army and rallying the prisoners, but due to a shortage of weapons and supplies, he joined forces with Xiang Yu. As Xiang Liang achieved several significant victories against the Qin army from Dong'a to Dingtao, he grew increasingly arrogant. However, his arrogance led to his downfall when he underestimated Zhang Han and fell in battle. After Xiang Liang's death, Xiang Yu appointed Fan Zeng as his advisor. Following a failed attack on Chenliu, Xiang Yu and Yu Bang retreated to Pengcheng to reorganize their forces. When Zhang Han launched an attack, Xiang Yu appointed Song Yi and Xiang Bang as his chief generals. However, when Song Yi hesitated to take action upon reaching Anyang, Xiang Yu accused him of planning to betray Chu by colluding with Qi and killed him.

서초패왕西楚覇王(1994)_나탁요羅卓瑤·세기연洗杞然 감독.

By |2024-05-12T19:11:41+09:00May 11th, 2024|Oriental Humanities post|

서초패왕西楚覇王(1994)_나탁요羅卓瑤·세기연洗杞然 감독. 진시황秦始皇(B.C.259-210)이 죽자 막내 아들 영호해嬴胡亥는 맏형 영부소嬴扶蘇를 죽게 한 후 왕위에 오른다. 시황제의 강압적 통치에 시달린 백성들은 새로운 변화와 변모를 기대하지만 호혜는 아방궁을 다시 지으며 형벌을 더욱 가혹하게 한다. 호혜가 천하의 모든 쾌락에 빠져 놀기만 좋아하자 진秦나라(B.C.250-207)에 반기를 든 반란이 일어난다. 기원전 209년(호해 재위 1년) 진승陳勝과 오광吴光의 반란을 시작으로 중국 전역에서 많은 군웅群雄들이 봉기하는데 항우도 숙부인 항량項梁과 세력을 결집한다. 대대로 초楚의 무장武將을 맡은 귀족 가문 출신의 항량項梁은 초楚나라를 회복하자는 기치를 내걸며 의군義軍 모집에 나선다. 항량은 초楚가 망하자 역양櫟陽에서 진秦에 사로잡혀 갇히지만 옥리獄吏 사마흔司馬欣의 도움으로 풀려난 바 있다. 조카인 항우項羽와 오중吳中(강서성 소주)에 숨어 지내면서 사람들의 신망을 얻어 젊은이들을 모아 세력을 키울 때 우희虞姬는 항우와 인연을 맺는다. 수많은 여성편력을 드러낸 유방劉邦과 달리 항우는 오직 우희만 바라본다. 기원전 208년(호해 재위 2년) 세력이 크게 늘어난 항량의 군대는 반란군의 곳곳에서 진군秦軍을 물리쳐 승리를 거둔다. 항량의 휘하에 들어간 범증范增(B.C.278-204)은 왕손 웅심熊心을 초회왕楚懷王으로 세울 책략을 내놓는다. 스스로 왕위에 올라 민심을 잃은 진승과 오광의 반란을 상기시킨다. 반란군의 기세가 커지며 군사 모으기가 어렵자 장한章邯은 여산驪山의 죄수들을 모두 동원한다. 진시황의 장지葬地가 있는 여산은 유방이 처음으로 세력을 모은 곳이다. 유방은 정장亭長으로 여산릉陵을 건설하던 중 진나라 장군을 죽이고 죄수들을 규합해 반란을 일으키지만 군량과 무기의 부족으로 항우의 휘하에 들어간다. 항량은 동아東阿에서 정도定陶에 이를 때까지 여러 차례 진군秦軍에 큰 승리를 거두자 점차 교만해진다. 대권을 혼자서 장악한 항량은 진군秦軍을 가벼이 여기다 정도에서 장한章邯의 기습으로 전사한다. 숙부인 항량이 죽자 항우는 범증을 참모로 삼는다. 진류陳留를 공격하다 실패한 항우와 유방은 팽성彭城으로 물러나 전열을 가다듬는다. 장한이 조趙나라의 공격에 나서자 초회왕은 송의宋義와 항우를 상장군上將軍과 차장次將으로 삼는다. 송의가 안양安陽에 이르러 형세를 관망만 하자 항우는 송의가 제齊나라와 모의해 초楚나라를 배신하려 한다며 송의를 죽인다.

Empress Wu Zetian, reincarnated as Mumirangjeon_Humanities Travel Series 🍂 

By |2023-08-18T18:08:56+09:00August 18th, 2023|Oriental Humanities post|

Empress Wu Zetian, reincarnated as Mumirangjeon. Empress Wu Zetian stands as the sole empress in the history of China. After renaming the nation to Zhou and then Wu Zhou, she took an active role in governance. During her rule in the era of Wu Zhou (690-705), she established a comprehensive system of governance. She initiated reforms, recruiting emerging talents and overhauling previous systems. She prioritized stabilizing people's livelihoods by promoting independent farming and enhancing productivity, including the cultivation of three crops in a span of two years. Her reign also saw the flourishing of Buddhism. Thirteen different sects of Buddhism emerged, including Bidam Buddhism, Samron Buddhism, Cheontae Buddhism, Hwaeom Buddhism, Seongsil Buddhism, Jiron Buddhism, Seon Buddhism, Yeonjong Buddhism, Yul Buddhism, Nirvana Buddhism, Shingon sect, and others. Empress Wu Zetian, known by the title Cheukcheonmuhu, rediscovered her true essence that she had lost due to her own desires. She initiated the practice of "self-restraint and restoration of propriety" on the winter solstice, commencing with the positive Yang energy. By merging the energies of Heaven and Earth with that of her own body, she unveiled the heart of the cosmic forces. Her reign is often ranked second only to the era of Tang Taizong Li Shimin's reign known as Jeonggwan. She significantly contributed to the establishment of Emperor Xuanzong's rule during the Tang Dynasty. Her close friends and aides, Jeong Nam-yeong and the scholar Myeong Hak-mun, also recognized her true essence. At the age of 82 in the year 705, Empress Wu Zetian passed away, leaving a lasting legacy.

A Dreamy Tale of Yeo Mong Ryeong_The Lushness of the Grass and the Thinness of Red Flowers 🍂

By |2023-08-16T18:11:59+09:00August 14th, 2023|Oriental Humanities post|

A Dreamy Tale of Yeo Mong Ryeong. The outstanding Chinese drama that I was attached to after 'Sima Yi', is a phrase borrowed from . Although the rain last night was gentle, the wind was strong. I awoke from a deep slumber, but traces of alcohol linger. I asked a servant to raise the bamboo curtains That rosa rugosa is still the same. “It can't be, it can't be.” The green leaves darken and The red flowers wither. It seems to have sung pure love for nature, but Lee Qing-jo compares the bleak reality of Northern Song to heavy rain. Li Qingzu rejects the Confucian bondage of women and resents the emperor and the incompetent court. She is well versed in the rhythm of Song-Ci,, and reveals complex emotions with a unique style called ‘Ianche’.

A Joseon Renaissance woman_Shin Saimdang 🍂

By |2023-08-10T20:37:27+09:00August 10th, 2023|Oriental Humanities post|

A Joseon Renaissance woman_Shin Saimdang. Shin Saimdang witnesses the bloodshed purge. Her worldly perspectives broaden. She grasps the value and dignity of life that pulses within nature. In the harmony of content and composition, the physical attributes of grass, insects, grapes, flowers, plum blossoms, and orchids are depicted with delicate brushwork and precise coloring. Shin Saimdang's spiritual realm connects to Yulgok. It delves into the monism of the principles and vital forces where human nature and physicality interact. Yulgok's foundational ideological system links to a scholastic faction called Baekaksadan. It reaches its zenith with the development of a true landscape painting method that captures Joseon's distinctive hues for mountains and rivers.


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